Read Baba's Daily Murli online
What Is Murli?
Murli is the recorded teachings spoken by the incorporeal supreme soul through his corporeal medium. These are the sweetest words of true raw knowledge.

Sakar Murlis are original versions of Shiv Baba our Supreme Teacher, as initially & actually spoken by Him through His corporeal medium Brahma Baba from 1951 till 1969. These precious teachings have been preserved through the years, and circulated to all the 9000 Brahma Kumaris branches throughout the world, and read out daily during ‘Murli-Class’ to the BK students, by the teacher sister-in-charge. Listen original audio.
The Murli is our daily food for thought. It mainly is composed of spiritual churning, knowledge, divine values & story of 5000 years cycle; which inspires us on how to think, live, and serve. It is not chanting, repeating or learning by rote, but is a realisation, an experience of this godly knowledge in our practical life.
What is Avyakt Murli?
Prajapita Brahma became avyakt (left the body) and hence Shiv baba (God) along with Brahma’s soul will now enter in one corporeal medium to speak Murli or knowledge. The part was changed in January 1969. AVYAKT MURLI are the versions spoken from 1969 till 2015 through the medium of Dadi Gulzar. Older Avyakt murlis are gems of raw knowledge of the human world, human nature and the entire creation (universe). Listen to the original recordings of Avyakt murlis here.
Thousands of brahman (BKs) start their day by studying (read or listen) the murli to set their awareness in the direction of God’s advice, following which they also can easily manage their family relationships better. Most of the BKs live at their home, not in centres, and this is also the advice given in murlis.
Once we inculcate the divine virtue of purity (celibacy) within us, then we become a godly student and start a new life in which there is self-realization and remembrance of our spiritual father Shiv baba. He speaks to us only during the Murli and hence the murli is the most important guide for us. It is nectar, having which, we receive our inheritance from the father. What is the inheritance? It is the new world (heaven) which god comes and creates.
God’s versions cover many topics which when we implement in our day to day life, bring a magical transformation in self as far as dealing with life’s challenges. In short, Murli is the Karma Darshan of self. By reading the excerpts of Murli we analyze the quality of our Karma.
The aim of this Godly teachings is to emerge divine virtues so as to become like Shri Lakshmi and Shri Narayan (first owners of the golden age) and also equal to our spiritual father in terms of knowledge, virtues, and powers.
Even if you don’t get time to study the classes, etc. you are receiving regularly via internet, do spare at least a few minutes to read through Murli’s main points once a day. Or if you understand Hindi, we have Hindi poems from daily murlis. The knowledge of Murli is getting clear in our intellects. With time, God’s versions will do a magical transformation in many.
How to Listen Murli?
You can listen daily gyan murli at your nearby BK RajYog centre or Geetapathshala. Sisters who serve there reads the murlis every morning 7 am and evening 7 pm wherever possible. You can yourself read or listen today’s murli via internet. We have many websites, YouTube channels, and mobile apps for this. You may also print our a PDF of Murli and read yourself. Otherwise, best is to listen from here (official page)
True joy of Baba’s murli is when you have an undeviating remembrance of Shiv baba (our spiritual father). When you are listening the murli, sit in soul-conscious stage. If need, sit for meditation for 5 mins before the murli starts. Here are guided commentaries.