06 Feb 2024 English Murli Today | Brahma Kumaris 

Read and Listen today’s Gyan Murli in English 

February 5, 2024

Morning Murli. Om Shanti. Madhuban.

Brahma Kumaris

Shiv Baba’s murli for today for Brahma Kumaris/Kumars (BK godly students). Publisher: Madhuban, Mount Abu. ➤ Change Murli language  ➤Visit our “Online Services” section for daily sustenance.

Sweet children, remember the history of your victory and defeat. This is a play of happiness and sorrow. There is three quarters happiness and one quarter sorrow. It is not equal happiness and sorrow.


How is this unlimited drama very wonderful?


This unlimited drama is so wonderful that, whatever happens throughout the whole world at every second, it repeats identically. This drama continues to move like a louse, it continues to tick away. One tick cannot be the same as the next tick. This is why this drama is very wonderful. Whatever parts human beings play, good or bad, they are fixed. Only you children understand this.

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Om shanti. The meaning of “om shanti” has been explained to you children because you have now become soul conscious. The soul gives his introduction: I am a soul. The original religion of souls is peace. The programme for all souls is now to go home. Who tells you this programme of going home? It would definitely be the Father who tells you this. O souls, the old world is now to end. All the actors have now come here. Only a few souls remain up there. Everyone now has to return home. The parts then have to repeat. Originally, you children belonged to the original eternal deity religion. You first went into the golden age and then after taking rebirth, you have now come into the kingdom that doesn’t belong to you. Only you souls know this; no one else knows it. You are children of the one Father. The Father says to you sweetest children: Children, you have now come down and fallen into the foreign kingdom of Ravan. You have lost your own fortune of the kingdom. It is now 5000 years since it became the golden age when you belonged to the deity religion. You ruled for half a cycle because you definitely had to come down the ladder. Do not forget that you had to go from the golden age to the silver age and then the copper and iron ages. Remember the history of your victory and defeat. You children know that, in the golden age, you were satopradhan residents of the land of happiness. Then, after taking rebirth, you have come into the stage of total decay in the land of sorrow. You souls are now receiving shrimat from the Father once again because souls have remained separated from the Supreme Soul for a long time. You children have remained separated for a long time. You were the first ones to become separated and you then continued to play your parts of happiness. Then your fortune of the kingdom was snatched away; you played parts of sorrow. You children now have to claim your fortune of the kingdom of happiness and peace once again. Souls say that there should be peace in the world. At this time, because of it being tamopradhan, there is peacelessness in the world. This is a play of peace and peacelessness, happiness and sorrow. You know that there was peace in the world 5000 years ago. The incorporeal world is the land of peace. There is no question of peacelessness where souls reside. In the golden age, there was peace in the world and then, by your falling down, there was peacelessness. Everyone now wants there to be peace in the world. The great element of brahm cannot be called a world. That is called Brahmand where you souls reside. The original religion of souls is peace. When a soul separates from his body he becomes peaceful and only when he takes another body does he make any sound or movement. Why have you children now come here? You say: Baba, take us to our land of peace and land of happiness. There is no part of happiness or sorrow in the land of peace or land of liberation. The golden age is a land of happiness and the iron age is a land of sorrow. How you come down is shown in the picture of the ladder. You come down the ladder. You only climb up once. You climb up when you become pure and you come down when you become impure. Without becoming pure, you cannot climb. This is why you call out: Baba, come and make us pure. You will first go to the pure land of peace and then go to a land of happiness. First, there is happiness and then there is sorrow. There is a greater margin of happiness. There would be no benefit if they were equal; it would be useless then. The Father explains: In this predestined drama, there is three quarters happiness and one quarter sorrow. There is a little sorrow. This is why this is called a play of happiness and sorrow. The Father knows that no one, apart from you children, can know Him. I have given you My own introduction and also the introduction of the beginning, middle and end of the world. I have made you into theists from atheists. You know the three worlds. The people of Bharat do not even know the duration of each cycle. Only you know that Baba is now once again teaching you. The Father has come into the foreign land in an incognito costume. Baba is also incognito. People know themselves physically, but they don’t know their souls. Each soul is imperishable and bodies are perishable. You should never forget your souls or the Father of souls. We are claiming our inheritance from the unlimited Father. You will receive your inheritance when you become pure. You are impure in this kingdom of Ravan and this is why you call out to the Father. You have two fathers. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the one Father of all souls. It isn’t that all brothers are the Father. When there is extreme defamation of religion in Bharat, when everyone forgets the parlokik Father of the souls of all religions, it is then that He comes. This is also a play. Whatever happens in a drama continues to repeat. You souls come to play your parts and then go back so many times. This drama continues to move like a louse eternally; it never ends. It continues to tick away, but one tick cannot be the same as another. It is such a wonderful drama. Second by second, whatever happens in the world, it will then repeat. The main actors of every religion are all shown. Each of them establishes his own religion. They don’t establish a kingdom. It is only the Supreme Father who establishes a religion and a kingdom and a dynasty too. Those people establish a religion and everyone has to follow them down. Who takes everyone back? The Father. Some play very short parts and they are then over. Like insects and germs, they emerge and die. It is as though they don’t have any significance in the drama. Where is your attention drawn to? To the Creator to whom everyone says: O God, the Father! O Supreme Father, Supreme Soul! He is the Father of all souls. At first, there was the original eternal deity religion. This is such a big unlimited tree. There are so many opinions, and such a variety of things have emerged. It becomes difficult even to count them. There is no foundation. All the rest are still here. The Father says: Sweetest children, I come when all other religions are here, but the one religion doesn’t exist. The foundation has disappeared and just their images remain. There was just the one original eternal religion. All the rest came later. There are many in the silver age who don’t go to heaven. You are now making effort to go to heaven, the new world. The Father says: You will go to heaven when you remember Me and become pure and also imbibe divine virtues. However, there are many branches and twigs of the tree. You children know the tree and how all of those original eternal deities existed in heaven. Now, heaven no longer exists; it is now hell. This is why the Father has had the questionnaire made: Ask your heart whether you are a golden-aged resident of heaven or an iron-aged resident of hell. You have come down from the golden age to the iron age. In that case, how will you go up again? The Father is giving you teachings: How will you become satopradhan from tamopradhan? Consider yourselves to be souls and remember Me and your sins will be cut away in this fire of yoga. I taught you this knowledge in the previous cycle too and made you into deities. You have now become tamopradhan. Then, there must definitely be someone who makes you satopradhan. No human being can be the Purifier. When people say, “O Purifier! O God!” their intellects go up above. He is the Incorporeal. All the rest are actors; they continue to take rebirth. I am beyond rebirth. This drama is predestined. No one knows it. You, too, didn’t know it. You are now called spinners of the discus of self-realisation. You remain stable in the religion of souls. Have the faith that you are souls. The Father explains how this world cycle turns. This is why you are called spinners of the discus of self-realisation. No one else has this knowledge. So, you should have a lot of happiness. The Father is our Teacher. He is a very sweet Baba. There is no one as sweet as Baba. You children of the parlokik Father are the souls who reside in the world beyond (Parlok). The Father too resides in the supreme abode. A physical father has children, sustains them and gives them everything at the end because they are his heirs. That is a rule. Similarly, you too have become the children of the unlimited Father. The Father says: Now, everyone has to go beyond sound to their home. There, there is silence, then movie and then talkie. Some children go to the subtle region and have visions. The souls do not leave their bodies. Whatever is fixed in the drama, it repeats second by second. One second cannot be the same as another. Whatever part each human being plays, good or bad it is fixed. In the golden age, the parts are good and in the iron age, the part is bad. People in the iron age are very unhappy. Dirty things do not exist in the kingdom of Rama. The kingdom of Rama and the kingdom of Ravan cannot exist at the same time. Because of not knowing the drama, they say that God gives both happiness and sorrow. Just as no one knows Shiv Baba, so, too, no one knows Ravan. They celebrate the birthday of Shiva every year and they also celebrate the death of Ravan every year. The unlimited Father is now giving you His introduction: Consider yourselves to be souls and remember Me, your Father. The Father is very sweet. Baba would not sit and sing His own praise. Those who receive happiness from Him sing His praise. You children receive the inheritance from the Father. The Father is the Ocean of Love. Then, in the golden age, you are lovely and sweet. If someone says that the vices etc. exist there too, tell him that there is no kingdom of Ravan there. The kingdom of Ravan started to exist in the copper age. Everything is explained to you so well. No one else knows the history and geography of the world. Only at this time is it explained to you. You then then become deities. There is no one higher than the deities. This is why there is no need to adopt gurus there. Here, there are so many gurus. There is only the one Satguru. Sikhs speak of the Immortal Satguru. Only the Satguru is the Immortal Image. He is the Death of all Deaths, the Great Death. That death comes and takes one person away. The Father says: I take everyone back. I make you all pure and first take you to the land of peace and then send you to the land of happiness. It is said of those who belong to Me and then belong to Maya: Those who defame the Satguru cannot claim a high status. They would not be able to receive the full happiness of heaven; they would become part of the subjects. The Father says: Children, do not have Me defamed. I make you into the masters of heaven and so you also have to imbibe divine virtues. You mustn’t cause sorrow for anyone. The Father says: I have come to make you into the masters of the land of happiness. The Father is the Ocean of Love whereas human beings cause oceans of sorrow. They use the sword of lust and cause sorrow for one another. These things do not exist there. There, it is the kingdom of Rama. Children are born through the power of yoga. With this power of yoga, you make the whole world pure. You are warriors, but unknown. You become very well known and then, on the path of devotion, so many temples are built to you goddesses. It is said that the urn of nectar is placed on the heads of the mothers. It is said: The mother cow. This is knowledge. It is not a question of water. You are the Shiv Shakti Army. Those people copy you and become gurus. You are now sitting in the boat of truth. People sing: Take my boat across. You have now found the Boatman to take your boat across. He takes you from the brothel to Shivalaya. He is also called the Master of the Garden. He makes this forest of thorns into that garden of flowers. There, there is nothing but happiness, whereas here there is sorrow. It is written on the leaflet that Baba has asked you to get printed: Ask your heart: Are you a resident of heaven or a resident of hell? You can ask many questions. Everyone says that there is corruption. Surely, at some time, there must have been elevated beings too. There were deities but they don’t exist now. It is when the deity religion disappears that God has to come to establish the one religion. Therefore, you are establishing heaven for yourselves by following shrimat. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1.Become an ocean of love, like the Father, not an ocean of sorrow. Don’t perform any acts that would have the Father defamed. Become very sweet and lovely.
2.Become pure with the power of yoga and also enable others to become that. Do the service of changing this forest of thorns into that garden of flowers. Remain constantly happy that your sweet Baba is the Father and also the Teacher. No one is as sweet as He is.


At the confluence age, only you fortunate children are worthy of receiving love and affection from the Comforter of Hearts. Only a handful out of multi-millions receive this love and affection from God. With this divine love and affection, you become royal, beloved ones. Royal, beloved ones means to be royal now and royal in the future too. Even before becoming those in the future, you have become self-sovereigns at this time. Just as the praise of the future kingdom is: “One kingdom, one religion”, in the same way, each soul’s kingdom here is united under one canopy, over all the physical senses.


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