15 Dec 2023 English Murli Today | Brahma Kumaris 

Read and Listen today’s Gyan Murli in English 

December 14, 2023

Morning Murli. Om Shanti. Madhuban.

Brahma Kumaris

Shiv Baba’s murli for today for Brahma Kumaris/Kumars (BK godly students). Publisher: Madhuban, Mount Abu. ➤ Change Murli language  ➤Visit our “Online Services” section for daily sustenance.

Sweet children, this drama is eternally predestined. The act of each actor is fixed in this drama. No one can receive eternal liberation (moksha).


Shiv Baba is bodiless, so why does He enter a body? Which work does He do and which work does He not do?


Baba says: Children, I enter this body just to speak the murlis to you. I only do the work of speaking the murlis. I do not come here to eat and drink. I have come here to give you the new kingdom, but it is the soul of this one who tastes everything.

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Leave Your throne of the sky and come down to earth.

Om shanti. Only the songs with which we are concerned are played. There is no throne in the sky. Space is called the sky but there isn’t a throne in the sky nor does the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, reside on a throne in the sky. The Father explains to you children: Both I, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, and you children, you souls, reside beyond the sun, moon and stars and that place is called the incorporeal world. Just as there are the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky, in the same way, souls reside in the great element in the shape of a tree. Just as stars hanging in the sky are not supported by anything, similarly, we souls and the Father, the Supreme Soul, are residents of the great element. We are like stars; the Sun of Knowledge, the moon of knowledge and the stars of knowledge. It has been explained that when there is a lot of sorrow, that is when I come. The old definitely has to be made new. Only in the old world is there sorrow. In the iron age, there is a lot of sorrow. In heaven, there is nothing but happiness. I have to come to teach you easy knowledge easy Raja Yoga once again. Everyone calls out to Me: Come! They don’t say to Krishna: Leave your throne and come down here! The word ‘throne’ doesn’t suit Krishna. He was a prince. You can speak of a throne when a throne of a kingdom is received. Yes, a father can seat his small child on his lap or next to him. The Father explains: Souls are in the incorporeal world just like stars. They then come down from there, numberwise. They show how stars fall. Souls too come from there and enter a womb straightaway. Note this down very well: Every soul has to go through the stages of sato, rajo and tamo. It is just the same for Lakshmi and Narayan who come first. They too have to pass through the stages of sato and rajo and reach their tamopradhan stage by taking rebirth. It is the same for everyone. No one can return home. When Abraham and Buddha come, they too have to pass through the sato, rajo and tamo stages; they have to take rebirth. The founders of religions come in the copper age. They begin their rebirths there and then have to become tamopradhan. Now, who can grant them salvation? Only the one Shiva is the Bestower of Salvation. He says: I have to come to grant salvation to everyone. No one else can do the work that I do. I establish the deity religion. I am teaching you Raja Yoga. I am the Bestower of Liberation and Salvation. I take you back when you have become pure. I also grant you salvation. Together with you, I also uplift all the founders of the other religions who are with you. I decorate you with this knowledge and make you worthy of marrying the masters of heaven, Lakshmi or Narayan. I then take you back home. First of all, I take everyone to the land of liberation. I am also the Bestower of Salvation for all. The other founders of religions who come don’t grant anyone salvation. They simply establish their own religions and then begin to make them expand.  The Father understands that they are not studying and so they have to be separated. Without studying, human beings are said to be senseless. If they study, they are said to be sensible. If you don’t follow God’s directions, it would be said that you are a stepchild. However, they don’t understand the meaning of this. You know that those who don’t study will remain impure; they will fail and then run away. The Father says: O Ravan, you even swallow My children! You are so powerful! Some children begin to follow the dictates of Satan; they don’t follow shrimat. You should promise yourself: I will follow Baba’s directions at every step. Those who do not follow shrimat are said to be those with devilish directions. Baba then understands that such ones will not be able to claim a high status. If you are unable to explain to someone, it would be said that you are influenced by Ravan. You’re not having yoga in order for your intellect to become pure. Your intellects also have to have yoga. The behaviour of God’s children should be very royal. There cannot be a king who is clever from birth. This is why Baba says: You have to conquer Ravan’s five vices by following shrimat. Baba would say of those who don’t follow shrimat: They are following devilish dictates. Some would follow shrimat five per cent and others would be follow it ten per cent. There is the account. So, Jagadamba is only one. Jagadamba is Saraswati, a mouth-born creation of Brahma. That is her full name. Saraswati has been shown with a sitar. She is the Goddess of Knowledge and there would surely also be her children. They too should have their sitars. Look, Saraswati is sitting in the picture of the tree. She studies Raja Yoga and then she becomes Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. Health, wealth and happiness are all included in that. No one, apart from the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, can give you that. He is Heavenly God, the Father. Look, Mama is now doing service. For instance, if someone gives an invitation to Mama, they should first of all know Mama’s occupation. First of all, they have to have the knowledge of who she is. The world doesn’t know this. They say: Krishna was insulted, but that was not possible. It is impossible. It is Shiv Baba who takes the most insults and then the second number is Brahma; Krishna and Brahma, but no one can insult Krishna. People don’t know that Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge, becomes Radhe in the future. It is after her marriage that she becomes Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. Health, wealth and happiness are all included in that. You should have great intoxication in explaining. You have to explain who Mama is. She is Saraswati, the mouth-born daughter of Brahma. The people of Bharat don’t know anything at all. They don’t have any knowledge. There is a lot of blind faith. The people of Bharat have a lot of blind faith. They don’t even know the ones whom they worship. Christians know about their Christ. The Sikhs know that Guru Nanak established the Sikh religion. They know the founder of their religion. It is just the Hindus, the people of Bharat, who don’t know. They continue to worship with blind faith because they don’t know anything about their occupation. Because they have lengthened the duration of the cycle, they don’t understand anything. Those of Islam and the Buddhists come later. Those deities would definitely be there before them. They would be here for this length of time. If all the other religions take half a cycle, then the one religion also has to be shown as taking half a cycle. You cannot say that it is hundreds of thousands of years long. Go to the Jagadamba Temple and ask them: Who gave this knowledge to this Goddess of Knowledge? It wouldn’t be said that Shri Krishna gave knowledge to Jagadamba. However, only those who practise this well will be able to explain. Some have a lot of body consciousness. They continue to remember one or another friend or relative. The Father says: If you remember others, you forget to remember Me. You even sing: We will break away from everyone else and connect ourselves to the One. That One is now sitting here. Baba, I belong to You and I will follow Your directions. I will not perform any such actions that would defame Your name. Many children perform such actions that they defame Baba’s name. Until they understand this, they will continue to throw insults. The name has also been glorified. O God, Your divine activities are remembered! However, you children can understand that no one else understands this. The Father says: Children, I am doing altruistic service. I also uplift those who defame Me. I make Bharat into the Golden Sparrow. I am number one in uplifting you. However, people call Me omnipresent and insult me a great deal. I give you children this knowledge. So, there are many obstacles from the devilish community to this sacrificial fire of knowledge. Baba explains that all the rubbish falls here because of the children who are unable to understand this properly. They have Me defamed. Some children do very good service, whereas others even do disservice. On the one side, some carry out construction and, on the other, others also carry out destruction because they don’t know this knowledge. The sun and moon dynasty kingdoms are being established. You have to explain to those who don’t understand fully. There is mercy for them. If someone doesn’t claim his inheritance after belonging to the Father, of what use is he? You have found the Father and so you should make full effort and follow shrimat to claim your inheritance. Don’t perform any actions that would defame the Father’s name. The Father knows that lust and anger are great enemies. They continue to catch hold of you by your nose and ears. That will happen, but you have to go beyond it. Some become trapped in someone’s name or form. Not all children are the same. The Father still cautions you: Remain careful! If you perform any wrong actions and have Me defamed, your status will be destroyed. Maya also becomes powerful with the powerful ones and fights them. While you are remembering the Father, storms of Maya take you somewhere else. Some children don’t tell the truth and they don’t seek advice. You mustn’t hide anything from the eternal Surgeon. If you don’t tell Him, you become even more dirty. Don’t think that Baba is Janijananhar (One who knows the secrets within) and that He knows everything; no. You have to tell Shiv Baba about your disobedience. Shiv Baba, I made this mistake and I now wish to ask for forgiveness. If you don’t ask for forgiveness, you will continue to make mistakes. That is, you will continue to increase the burdens of sin on your heads. The Father explains: Don’t destroy your status for cycle after cycle. If you don’t create a high status now, that will be your condition for cycle after cycle. This is knowledge. Baba knows that the kingdom is being established as it was in the previous cycle. BapDada can understand a lot more. This one is still an especially beloved child. The praise of the mothers has to be increased. The mothers are kept ahead. Baba explains to the brothers: Bring them (the mothers) to the front. The brothers too can do a lot of service. Explain using the pictures: This is God, the Highest on High. Then, there is the Trimurti, Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar. Who is the highest of them? Whose name is mentioned? All would say: It is Prajapita Brahma through whom we receive the inheritance. Shankar or Vishnu would not be called ‘father’. You don’t receive the inheritance through them. This one is called Prajapita Brahma. What inheritance do you receive through him? Brahma is Shiv Baba’s child. Shiv Baba is the Ocean of Knowledge, the One who establishes heaven. Therefore, you surely receive teachings for heaven. These directions are for Raja Yoga. The Father is gives you shrimat through Brahma. This is for you to become deities. That Brahma Kumari then becomes Shri Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. These are Brahmins and the others are deities. In the incorporeal world all are souls. Baba explains to the children a great deal, but only those who are to understand will understand. Human beings become followers of sannyasis and gurus by having blind faith. They don’t even know what they will receive from them. A teacher at least knows that you will receive a status. However, they don’t know what attainment they will receive from those whose followers they become. That is blind faith; they are not followers! Neither do they make you become like them, nor do you become like them. They don’t know what the aim or objective is at all. Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1.Remain constantly safe from the influence of bad company. Study this true study and accumulate a stock of true income.
2.Promise yourself that you will follow Baba’s shrimat at every step.


Just as when a soul and a body are combined there is a life, similarly, let karma and yoga be combined. Do not be yogis who have yoga for two to three hours, but have a yogi life. Your yoga has to be natural and easy, your yoga should not break that you would have to make effort to connect it again. You should not need to complain. When you stay in remembrance, all of your tasks automatically become successful. All the files of those who become fine finish because a yogi life is a life filled with all attainments.


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