13 April 2021 ENGLISH Murli Today – Brahma Kumaris

April 12, 2021

Morning Murli. Om Shanti. Madhuban.

Brahma Kumaris

Shiv Baba’s murli for today for Brahma Kumaris/Kumars (BK godly students). Publisher: Madhuban, Mount Abu. Change Murli language~ listen + read daily murlis in Hindi, English, Bengali.
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Sweet children, you children are numberwise in knowing the Father as He is and what He is. If everyone were to recognise Him, there would be a huge crowd here.


When will the sound of revelation spread everywhere?


When human beings find out that God, Himself, has come to carry out the establishment of the new world by destroying this old world. The Father who bestows salvation on everyone has come to grant us the fruit of our devotion. When there is this faith, revelation will take place and there will be upheaval everywhere.

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The rain of knowledge is for those who are with the Beloved.

Om shanti. You children heard two lines of the song. The rain is for those who are with the Beloved. The world doesn’t know who the Beloved is. Although there are many children, many of them don’t know how they should remember the Father. They don’t know how to remember Him; they repeatedly forget Him. The Father explains: Children, consider yourselves to be souls. You are points. The Father is the Ocean of Knowledge and you have to remember Him. Instil in yourselves such a practice of remembrance that remembrance becomes constant. At the end you should only remember: I am a soul. Each of you has a body, but keep the knowledge of being a soul in your intellect. You have received the Father’s direction. Hardly anyone remembers Me as I am. Children become very body conscious. The Father has explained that, until you give the Father’s introduction to someone, he or she won’t be able to understand anything. First of all, they should know that incorporeal One is our Father, the God of the Gita, that He is the Bestower of Salvation for All. At this time, He is playing the part of granting salvation. If they had faith in their intellects regarding this point, all the sages and holy men etc. would come here in a second; there would be great chaos in Bharat. If they were to know that this world is now to be destroyed, there would be a queue from Bombay to Abu. However, no one can have such faith that quickly. You know that destruction has to take place. All of them will remain sleeping in a deep slumber. Then, at the end, your influence will spread. To have faith in the aspect of the God of the Gita being the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, is not like going to your aunty’s home! If this were to become well known, there would be that sound throughout the whole of Bharat. As yet, when you explain to someone, someone else would tell him that a magic spell has been cast on him. This tree has to grow very slowly. There is still a little time left. You still have time to make effort. You explain to prominent people but they don’t understand anything. Among you children too, some of you don’t understand this knowledge. If there isn’t remembrance of the Father, there cannot be that stage. The Father understands what your faith is. As yet, some of you hardly remember the Father even one or two per cent. Although they may be sitting here, they don’t have that love for the Father. There has to be love and fortune here. If they had love for the Father, they would understand that they have to follow shrimat at every step. We are becoming the masters of the world. There is the body consciousness of half the cycle and this is why it now takes a lot of effort to become soul conscious. To consider yourself to be a soul and to remember the most beloved Father is not like going to your aunty’s home! If they did this, there would be such sparkle on their faces. When a girl gets married and puts on jewellery, there is so much happiness on her face. However, here, some don’t even remember the Bridegroom, and so their faces remain wilted, don’t even ask. When a girl gets married, her face becomes very happy whereas the faces of some girls remain like that of a corpse even after getting married. There are all sorts. Some become confused when they go to the other home. It is the same here. Effort is needed to remember the Father. It is remembered of the final moments: “Ask the gopes and gopis about supersensuous joy.” You have to create the stage of considering yourselves to be gopes and gopis and of having constant remembrance of the Father. Give everyone the Father’s introduction. The Father has come and is giving you that inheritance. All the knowledge is included in this. At the end, when Lakshmi and Narayan were completing their 84 births, the Father came and taught them Raja Yoga and gave them their kingdom. The picture of Lakshmi and Narayan is a number one picture. You know that they performed such actions in their previous birth and the Father is now teaching you how to perform those actions. He says: Become “Manmanabhav”! Remain pure! Don’t commit any sin, because you are now becoming charitable souls, the masters of heaven. Maya, Ravan, has made you commit sin for half the cycle. Now, ask yourself: Do I commit any sins? Do I continue to perform charitable actions? Have I become a stick for the blind? The Father says: Become “Manmanabhav”! You have to ask: Who said: Manmanabhav? Those people claim that Krishna said this. You know that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, Shiva, said it. There is the difference of day and night. Together with the birthday of Shiva, there is also the birthday of the Gita. Together with the birthday of the Gita, there is also the birthday of Krishna. You know that you will become the future princes. You have to change from beggars into princes. This is the aim and objective of Raja Yoga. You can prove that the God of the Gita was not Shri Krishna, but the incorporeal One and the notion of omnipresence will then be thrown out. Only the Father is the Bestower of Salvation for All and the Purifier. He is also called the Liberator. However, people say that He is omnipresent. They don’t understand anything they say. They say of religion whatever enters their minds. There are three main religions. The deity religion continues for half the cycle. You know the Father establishes the Brahmin, deity and warrior religions. The world doesn’t know this. They consider the duration of the golden age to be hundreds of thousands of years. The original, eternal deity religion is the most elevated of all religions. However, they have forgotten their own religion and have become irreligiousChristians don’t renounce their religion. They know that Christ established their religion. Islam, Buddhism and Christianity are the main religions. There are also many other smaller religions. No one knows where this expansion began. It has only been a short time since the existence of Mohammed. Those of Islam are very old. The Christians are very well known, and there are also so many others. Everyone has his or her own religion. They have their own different religions and different names and have therefore become confused. They don’t know that there are only four main religious scriptures. Deityism and Brahmanism are included in those. Brahmins become deities, who then become warriors. No one knows this. It is sung: Salutations to the Brahmins. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, came and established the Brahmin, deity and warrior religions. These terms exist but they read everything like parrots. This is a jungle of thorns. People believe that Bharat used to be a garden of flowers. However, no one knows when it was created, how it was created or who created it. They don’t know who the Supreme Soul is. Therefore, they have become orphans. This is why there is so much battling and fighting. They simply continue to become happy performing devotion. The Father has now come to bring light. He grants you liberation-in-life in a second. When the Satguru gives you the ointment of knowledge, the darkness of ignorance is dispelled. You understand that we are now in the light. The Father has given each of you a third eye. Although the deities have been shown with a third eye, people don’t understand the meaning of that. In fact, you have a third eye, but they have shown the deities with a third eye. There is no mention of Brahmins in the Gita. They have shown a war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas and a horse-drawn chariot in the Gita. They don’t understand anything. When you explain to them, they tell you: You don’t even believe in the scriptures! You can tell them why we don’t believe in the scriptures. It is because we know that all of them are the paraphernalia of the path of devotion. Knowledge and devotion are remembered. Devotion begins when Ravan’s kingdom begins. The people of Bharat go onto the path of sin and become corrupt in their religion and actions, and this is why they now call themselves Hindus. They have now become impure. Who made them impure? Ravan! People burn an effigy of Ravan. They think it has continued since time immemorial. However, the kingdom of Ravan didn’t exist in the golden age. They don’t understand anything. Maya has completely made their intellects completely into stone. Only the Father changes you from stone into divine beings. It is only after you have gone into the iron age that the golden age can be established. The Father explains this, but it scarcely sits in anyone’s intellect. You kumaris have now become engaged. He is making you into queens. You were abducted, that is, you souls are told: You belonged to Me and you then forgot Me. You became body conscious and belonged to Maya. However, there is no question of running away or being abducted. Constantly remember Me alone. Only in remembrance is there effort. Many become body conscious and perform sinful actions. The Father knows that some souls don’t remember Him at all. They become body conscious and commit a lot of sin and thereby the urn of sin becomes one hundredfold full. Instead of showing the path to others, they themselves forget the path. They then become even more degraded. The destination is very high. Those who climb up taste the sweetness of the nectar of heaven. Those who fall are totally crushed. A kingdom is being established. Look how much difference is created! Some study and reach the sky, whereas others fall to the ground. If their intellects are dull, they cannot study. Some tell Baba that they are unable to explain to others. Baba says: OK, just consider yourselves to be souls and remember Me, your Father, and I will grant you happiness. However, you don’t remember Me at all. If you remembered the Father, you would also remind others. When you remember the Father, your sins are absolved. You cannot go to the land of happiness unless you remember Him. You can receive an inheritance for 21 births from the incorporeal Father. All the rest only give temporary happiness. When someone has a child or receives blessings and wins a lottery through occult power, that faith is then instilled. If someone benefits by two or four million, he praises the one from whom he received it, but all of that is temporary: he cannot receive health or wealth for 21 births. However, human beings don’t know anything, so you can’t blame them. They simply become happy with temporary happiness. The Father teaches you children Raja Yoga and gives you the sovereignty of heaven. It is so easy! Some are unable to explain anything at all. Some do understand but, because they don’t have accurate yoga, the arrow doesn’t strike anyone. By becoming body conscious, one sin or another is committed. Yoga is the main thing. It is through the power of yoga that you become the masters of the world. God, not Krishna, taught you ancient yoga. The pilgrimage of remembrance is very good. When you go and see a drama, all the scenes emerge in your mind. However, it would take time to narrate those to someone. It is the same here. The Seed and the tree; this cycle is very clear. It is a matter of a second: the land of peace, the land of happiness and the land of sorrow. However, you should be able to remember that. The main thing is the Father’s introduction. The Father says: By remembering Me, you will come to know everything. Achcha. Shiv Baba remembers you children. Brahma Baba doesn’t remember you. Shiv Baba knows who His worthy children are. He would of course remember His serviceable, worthy children. This one would not remember anyone. This soul has received the direction: Constantly remember Me alone! Achcha.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

  1. In order to become fortunate, have true love for the one Father. To have love means to continue to follow the shrimat of One at every step.
  2. Definitely perform acts of charity. The biggest act of charity is to give everyone the Father’s introduction. Remember the Father and remind everyone of the Father.


While doing any physical work, always have the awareness that you are an instrument for the service of world benefit on the world stage. “I have received a huge responsibility to do the task of world transformation with my elevated state of mind. “When you have this awareness, all carelessness will finish and instead of wasting time, you will save it. While considering every second to be invaluable, you will continue to use it in a worthwhile way for world benefit and for the task of transforming the non-living and the living.


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