04 Dec 2023 English Murli Today | Brahma Kumaris
Read and Listen today’s Gyan Murli in English
3 December 2023
Morning Murli. Om Shanti. Madhuban.
Brahma Kumaris
Shiv Baba’s murli for today for Brahma Kumaris/Kumars (BK godly students). Publisher: Madhuban, Mount Abu. ➤ Change Murli language ➤Visit our “Online Services” section for daily sustenance.
Sweet children, you have received an easy mantra from the Satguru to discipline your minds: Remain in silence and constantly remember Me alone. This is a great mantra that will control Maya.
How is Shiv Baba the most innocent Customer?
Baba says: Children, I take all the old rubbish you have, including your bodies, and I take that when you are about to die. Your white dress is also a sign of death. You now sacrifice yourselves to the Father. The Father then makes you prosperous for 21 births. The Father fulfils everyone’s desires on the path of devotion. Then, on the path of knowledge, He gives you the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world and makes you trikaldarshi too.
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No one is unique like the Innocent Lord.
Om shanti. You children are sitting in front of the Innocent Lord. Businessmen say: Send me a simpleton, an innocent customer, who will buy goods worth one or two thousand and give us a lot of money. O God, send me such a customer! The Father, the Innocent Lord, explains to you children the beginning, the middle and the end of the world and makes you trikaldarshi. Could you ever find such a customer as Me? You surrender yourself to Him. You sing a lot of praise on the path of devotion. The praise of the Innocent Lord is: You are the Mother and Father… He comes and teaches you Raja Yoga and gives you the kingdom. You say to the Father: We sacrifice all this old rubbish to You. You make us prosperous for 21 births. Stockbrokers make deals and take a commission. That One also says: Whatever rubbish you have, I take all of that, including your bodies, when you are about to die. Here, the costume of you Brahma Kumaris is white. It is as though you are dead. A corpse is always covered with a white sheet which is completely without a stain. At this time, everyone has the black mark of Maya on them. These are called the bad omens of Rahu. The moon too becomes dark when it is eclipsed. So, this eclipse of the omens of Maya also makes the whole world dark. All the elements are also included in that. The Father sits here and explains: This is your Raja Yoga. Through Raja Yoga, you have to claim your kingdom in heaven. You become kings of kings and you have the intoxication of becoming Narayan. You change from an ordinary man into Narayan. The kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan is in the golden age. So, I definitely have to come at the end. At this time, it is the path of devotion. On the path of devotion, people bow their heads and continue to stumble around from door to door. God is the Protector of the devotees. He comes and gives the fruit of devotion. All are devotees, but not all of them receive the same fruit. Some receive visions, some have a son; all of that is temporary. I fulfil all of their various desires. No one in the world knows that God has come to teach Raja Yoga. They think that He came in the copper age and taught Raja Yoga at that time. How could you have become Narayan from an ordinary human there? It is now that the Father teaches you Raja Yoga and makes you into kings of kings. Here, you just have to remain in silence. “Manmanabhav”: this is an easy mantra given by the Satguru that disciplines the mind. There is a lot of income through this mantra. This is a mantra with which you control Maya. You become conquerors of Maya and conquerors of the world. Those on the path of devotion say, “When you conquer your mind, you conquer the world”. This is why they do hatha yoga etc. However, they don’t do that to become conquerors of the world; they do it for liberation. The Father comes and says: Children, renounce your bodies and all bodily religions. Renounce everything such as: I belong to such-and-such a religion, I am so-and-so. Consider yourselves to be souls and constantly remember Me alone. That’s all! Simply follow the directions that I am giving you. You now have to renounce all the different dictates you have been following up to now. So, your knowledge is completely new. People think that what you tell them is new. When you children explain to anyone, first of all feel their pulse. You mustn’t say the same things to everyone. People have so many different directions. Yours is one direction, but it is numberwise. Those who stay in yoga well and who have dharna will definitely explain well. Those who have less dharna will explain less. Tell only one simple thing to whoever comes to you. Although you may be living at home with your family, you have to remain like a lotus. You know that each lotus has many progeny and so an example is given of that. The Father too has many children. The lotus flower remains above the water and all the rest of its progeny is below the water. This is a good example. Baba says: Live at home with your families, but remain pure. This is a matter of purity. In this, remain pure in this final birth and also constantly remember Me alone. You definitely also have to sustain your creation. Otherwise, this would become like hatha yoga. Many people in the world remain pure. Someone who is celibate from birth is like Bhishampitamai. A good example of celibacy is when a husband and wife live together and remain pure. Pure marriage is even mentioned in the scriptures, but no one knows about it. The Father explains this. The Father says: Children, now, instead of sitting on the pyre of lust, both of you have to tie a bond for sitting on the pyre of knowledge. You Brahmins are doing such good work. You have to promise to remain pure. By cautioning one another, both of you will go to heaven. Here, you demonstrate how you remain pure while living together and this is how you can claim a very high status. Your example would be given. You sit on the pyre of knowledge and claim a high status in heaven. A lot of courage is required for this. If you continue to move along very firmly, your status will be very high. Then, it also depends on the service you do. Those who do a lot of service and create subjects will claim a good status. You should even go higher than Baba and Mama. However, just as Baba says that if both Christians (Russia and America) were to unite, they could become the masters of the world, in the same way, such a couple should emerge who go higher than the mother and father. However, there isn’t anyone like that. Only Jagadamba and Jagadpita are well known. No one would be able to do service like they do. They have become the instruments. This is why you should never have heart failure in this. OK, if not like Mama and Baba, you can become the second number. Everything depends on the service you do. You have to create subjects and heirs. So, everything of ours is new. The Father definitely has to come here to create the new world. He alone is the Creator. Those people say that God is beyond name and form, but He is not like that. They cannot be blamed. Only if it is in their fortune would they understand. Many come who think that this is right. Some say that a soul doesn’t have a name or form. So, what is it that is called a soul? There is the name ‘soul’. Tell everyone that this is Raja Yoga. The Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, comes at the confluence age. It would definitely be at the confluence age that He teaches Raja Yoga because only then can He make impure ones pure. So, the things here are unique. The Father says: Simply consider yourselves to be souls. You have to go to the Father. There is no need to ask any questions about this. They say: Do not hurt my soul. This one is a sinful soul. This one is a pure soul. No one should say that a soul has no form. When Vivekananda was sitting in front of Ramakrishna, he had a vision. He saw a light entering him. They say something like that. Tell them: Ours is Raja Yoga. Here, you have to forget your bodies and all bodily friends and relations etc. We souls are His children and we ourselves are a brotherhood. If everyone were to become the Father, the Father would be praying to the Father. We are now studying Raja Yoga. This is the yoga to become the kings of kings. There are no kingdoms now. So you have to explain: We stay in silence and simply remember Shiv Baba. We consider ourselves to be separate from our bodies. Souls say: I shed a body and take another. So, the sanskars of this knowledge remain in the soul. Good and bad sanskars are in each soul. No soul is immune to the effect of action; this has to be explained. Souls take rebirth. A soul has to take organs repeatedly. A soul is a star; it resides in the centre of the forehead. When they have a vision of a soul, they believe that you have such power in you that you enabled them to have a vision of a soul. However, each soul resides in the centre of a forehead. What does it matter whether you have a vision or not? The soul himself says: I am a star. I have a part of 84 births in me. If souls were to take 8.4 million births, they would have so many sanskars that you don’t know what would happen! You can believe that a soul takes 84 births. You cannot believe that anyone could take 8.4 million births. We are now becoming pure. Baba had made us pure in order to change us from ordinary humans into Narayan. You should have this great intoxication. You don’t need to debate with anyone. Renounce your bodies and all religions of bodies and consider yourselves to be bodiless souls. Although we have studied the scriptures etc., why should we discuss them, since the Father has said: Constantly remember Me alone. His second order is: While living at home with your families, remain as pure as a lotus. Only in the fire of yoga will your sins be burnt away. God speaks: God is the Supreme Soul. He too is called a star. There are many points, but they can’t all be brought up at the same time. You have to see the personality of the person in front of you and take up everything tactfully. Tell him: We also study the scriptures, but the Father has ordered us to forget them all and to constantly remember Him alone. He is incorporeal. Everyone believes in souls. Even those who believe Vivekananda will believe in souls. Everyone has a soul. Therefore, souls would surely have the Father who is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. All of these are points. By churning these, you will constantly find new points. The steamer will continue to be filled. These are like the goods of the imperishable jewels of knowledge. Note down the points and then revise them. These are jewels. You should have a keen interest in imbibing them and writing about them. Explain to everyone very clearly: There is a soul in everyone, but it doesn’t have a physical name or form. You cannot ask that since each soul has a form, why shouldn’t God have a form? He is called the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, the One who resides in the supreme abode. So much is explained to you children. So, now demonstrate this by doing service. Baba gives a prize according to the service you do. He enables you to be decorated with so many jewels of knowledge. We don’t want to become multimillionaires here. We want the sovereignty of the world. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1.Churn the ocean of knowledge and imbibe the jewels of knowledge that you receive. 2.Remain constantly full of the jewels of knowledge.
Stay in the intoxication of becoming Narayan. Don’t speak of useless matters to anyone. Practise becoming bodiless.
Even if your body is sometimes unwell, do not let your mind become disturbed by any illness of your body. Constantly continue to dance in happiness and your body will become fine. Make your body work with the happiness of your mind and you will exercise both. Happiness is your blessing and exercise is your medicine. So, with both the blessing and the medicine, you will become free from any illness in your body or mind. In this happiness, you will forget your pain. In order to be constantly content with your body and mind, do not think too much. By thinking too much, time is wasted and your happiness disappears.
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